So many goals on your mind? Review your many goals with these 5 Questions

We’re halfway into Q2 now, and you’ve probably achieved some of your Q2 goals already. Well done from me!👏🏼👏🏼

Are you looking at picking up another of your projects, or in two minds as to what goal to tackle next?

As entrepreneurs we’re never usually short of ideas and goals we want to do, are we!

But what If you’re thinking of so many goals? How do you decide on which one to focus on?

Having so many goals, desires, and maybe fears and limiting beliefs pop up, and running around your mind at the same time can be exhilarating, insightful, and, sometimes exhausting!

If you’re feeling like this, take a step back and treat yourself to this exercise to help you get unstuck and get started on making some decisions.

📔Give yourself time to see your goals from a different viewpoint.

That’s my goal for you, today!

Have you got your journal handy? Or open up a note on your phone or laptop.

Let’s dive in …

….Write down ALL the goals you’re thinking of on the page.

(I’ll wait!)

Now, looking at your list,

→ Which goals are super-important to work on? They probably have a knock-on effect and are dependable in many areas of your life. Are you prioritising enough time for these? Or do you need to reorganize your schedule as you can read about here, to help you achieve your goals with more efficient use of your time?

→Which goals would make the biggest difference to your business in 6 months? and in 12 months’ time, and 5 years’ time? (Note how you feel at each stage.)

→Which goals scare you? How many times have I read, ‘Do the thing that scares you most!’ We’re often stepping out of our comfort zone. You’ve done it many times before I expect, as you build your business. Read my blog here if you’re feeling nervous about your goals.

→Which goals are really a ‘nice-to-have’? Park it if you’re not going to start it! Schedule to review it again in Q3 or Q4.

→What goal have you had for a very long time? What’s stopping you from getting it started? Or is the goal out of date now and needs discarding, to free up some head space?

Give yourself some time today or schedule for this week to work through the questions, check-in with yourself and see what comes up.

I’m excited as you find new insights, new feelings, and new directions answering the questions.

I’m here if you want to talk about it together. Get in touch today.

To help you achieve your goals even more, the next Monday Coaching Club is happening on June 5th, propelling your business results. Join us in June here!

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

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Empowering you to make your Mondays matter even more, and have a great month ahead!  Have a look here!

Monday Coaching Club by Jo James AmberLife June

Are you looking to grow your business and network? Sign up for more proven tips + event dates, and I’ll see you on Monday!