Like a boss make the most of Q1 blog by Jo James AmberLife

How to make the most of Q1

I expect the uplifting energy and inspiring stories from International Women’s Day are continuing to give you that extra burst of confidence and determination.  Two key ingredients for mindset and success.

We have 3 Mondays until the end of Q1. What projects are you working on? What do you want to see happen by the end of Q1?


Keep the end goal in mind and see what you need to prioritise to make it happen. Focus on what you want to see finished.

Follow up

Who have you met out at those fabulous events you recently attended?  Who do you need to follow up with regarding that proposal you sent a week or so ago?

Or maybe you’ve been so busy with your client work that you need to stop for a moment and send some invoices?

What’s your MIT to finish in Q1?

Your Action Point today is to write down your MIT you want to see finished and put it somewhere you can see to remind you.

Remember, if it’s a big goal you’ve just written, break it down into manageable steps.

Identify your NEXT step you can take today towards finishing your MIT?

Switch off all other distractions and focus on getting your MIT finished. Ooh, imagine who good that will feel. 

You’ve got this.

Let’s go!

If you have something else blocking your progress or you’d like some help in prioritising your workload, book a Power Hour with me and Get Organised and Focused. 

Make the most of your Q1 and I’ll see you soon!

To your success and happiness

Jo James

Your Business Coach who loves to help you make it happen.