Do You Do This On LinkedIn?

I’m at my desk in Portugal working remotely from here before heading to London to work with my amazing clients in October. I’ve woken up to blue skies and invitations to connect with new people from LinkedIn.

There’s so much talk about the numerous changes on Facebook, Messenger and I’ve written blogs declaring my love for Instagram and how to improve your reach and engagement on the beautiful platform, but yep, I’ve forgotten to write about LinkedIn. Ooops!

LinkedIn is an online networking platform that I used to view as a cheese and wine party! It’s been around for years, it started off a bit dry, but it has definitely got better with time as new functionality improves and the conversation flows.

Business introductions and opportunities are made on LinkedIn every day.

One of the questions I get asked most is, “Do you accept requests from people you don’t know?”

Just as I will talk to people I don’t know at a networking event, then yes, absolutely I connect with people I don’t know.

You may not want, or need to connect with everyone, so I check 4 things.

1. It’s good to see if the person’s profile is well written showing their business expertise and skills

2. They have a professional picture

3. Their industry is relevant to me and my contacts.

4. They have recommendations.

I then write a quick message back to them “Thanks for inviting me to your network. How can I help you?” Boom. Start a conversation.

I realise that some requests come straight from the App, and don’t have a personally written request, but I’m not bothered, we’re all busy, Apps help, so no it doesn’t put me off.

Your Action Point today is to check your LinkedIn, see if you have new connections who want to connect with you and check out your profile too.  Make it compelling. Here’s mine! 



Do you do this on LinkedIn? Blog by Jo James AmberLife

Where can you improve your profile?

Ooh and we can now use hashtags on our posts too, yay! Great news to help you stand out, to be found in searches, and if you’re using Buffer.

Are we connected on LinkedIn? Here’s my profile if you’d like to.

Let me know if you want me to connect you with someone via my LinkedIn contacts, or get in touch with me if I can help you and your business growth plans.

LinkedIn Message Top Tip: 

Thanks for reading this far! Here’s a bonus tip to engage effectively when you send a message to your LI contacts.

Get to the point!

Make sure your LI message is personalised, conversational and is only about 100 words long, so the recipient can quickly grasp the message and respond.

What do you want to achieve next? Tell me, I’d love to help you.

Have a great week, go sparkle, and build your brilliant business, one connection at a time. Let’s go!

To your success and happiness,

Jo James.