Time to Play and Overcome Your Fears - Blog by Jo James - AmberLife


A Controversial or Comfortable Approach to Nurturing Relationships

I do love February! Blue skies and the first signs of blossom makes my heart flutter. A beautiful sight to see as we head into February. The days are longer too, yay, Spring is on its way! Take a moment to reflect on your wins and learnings from January and take that feeling to fuel February’s goals. What do you want to achieve this month? What’s your focus?

As it’s February, the month of love, you’re going to see Valentines messages and marketing teams going into overdrive to reach their ideal customers using the Valentine theme in their marketing. Watch what they do for inspiration.

And we’re going to talk about love this month too and how that will help your business development.

As sales is all about relationships and giving an excellent customer experience, I encourage you to look at these statistics to encourage you to follow up more and share your expertise to those around you.

“80% of sales are made on the 5th to the 12th point of contact.*” *McGraw Hill.

Which means your business development strategy needs to include ways of nurturing your relationships.

Just as you probably won’t get married after just one date*, so your potential customers will want to get to know you first, before committing to you!

*I remember saying that in one of my Sales Workshops, and a delegate said she did accept the proposal on her first date! And like good sales and marketing, you can convert someone the first time you meet them.

But the majority of people need to get to know you a little more first.

So, let’s focus on nurturing your relationships this month and notice what happens and the results it brings in February, March and beyond.

What are you doing in your business to nurture your relationships?

Like a bird ruffling his feathers in Spring and singing his beautiful song to attract his mate, you need to ruffle your feathers a little more, come out of your nest and sing your song.

I encourage you to write a Blog or record a Vlog today and share some gems with your audience to show you care about helping them. Add value to their lives.

A Vlog is a blog with Video content instead of text. (or with text as captions over the video as most people watch video on their phones with the sound off)

Hubspot reports 77% of internet users read blogs regularly.

“The stats speak for themselves, and this one clearly shows that blogs are now a massive part of popular culture. Over 3/4 of internet users regularly read blogs nowadays, covering an untold number of niches and interests.”

So whatever your niche and audience interests are, share the love and create a blog for us to get to know you more.

Remember you’re developing and nurturing your relationships with your ideal audience.

Share some of your skills a little more.

Share some of your stories and connect more with your ideal audience.

As in relationships, you probably don’t agree with everything someone else says, do you?!

If you’ve been blogging for a while and want to shake it up a bit for the new decade, write a controversial article to make you stand out in your industry. Or make the Headline controversial to get people reading it! Get people talking, get more eyes on your blog or your LinkedIn article.

It’s a bold move, but it can work. Your audience will probably share their perspective as you share yours. Just be ready to answer comments and questions. And there may be arguments, you know how some people like to share their negative views online from the safety of being behind their laptops. So you need to be prepared to deal with that too.

But I have seen controversial articles (or have controversial headlines) work wonders to encourage engagement on posts, shares, or get noticed by the press!

Not quite ready to do that yet?

A softer, more comfortable approach

Maybe you could write about a client’s journey with you? You know those! Write about how you helped solve their problem, helping your audience to know more about your products and services. About you and your work. And how you can help them.


Your Action Point today is to identify what you can do to nurture your relationships.

And then take massive imperfect action! Go on, it’s Monday, you know you want to!

Send me the link to your blog or vlog you create please, I’d love to get to know you more.

Let’s brainstorm your blog!

If you want to brainstorm and bounce off some of your blog ideas with someone, then I’m here if you need a listening ear or a fresh pair of eyes to help you write your blog. I love helping my clients produce great content to get more eyes on your business and expertise.

I’m here to help you make it happen.

Book a Power Hour straight into my diary here or email today and let’s have a chat!

Have a great week ahead creating your blog or vlog, and remember the part that creates the magic – press that Publish button! We want to read, see and learn from you.

To your success and happiness,

Jo James