3 Key Elements To Consider Before You Decide

ListsWe have friends staying with us this weekend, a Doctor of Psychiatry and his partner, who has just decided to make a big change in his career and follow his dreams to join an amazing new tech start up. So, yes I’ve asked him to come to Contacts and Cocktails soon so we can hear more about it once he’s settled in.

Dinners here have been fun with discussions round the table, over seafood and a few glasses of Portuguese Vinho Verde. Talking about the whys and hows of personal development and about taking risks.

Are you doing exactly what you want to be doing?  With the people you want to be working with?

I have a question for you…

If you could wake up tomorrow and ONE big change had happened to make your life easier, be it in your personal or business life, what would it be?

Allow your mind to wander today, to dream, to visualise and have a pen and paper handy. Any insights you get, any questions, write them down.  Then on Tuesday, you can review your notes, prioritise your next steps and take action.

Moving to live in Portugal last year while seamlessly running my business in London, took months of discussions, research, and answering so many questions, as we had a multitude of factors to consider.

It was a huge decision to make and in hindsight the hours spent dreaming about our desired lifestyle and importantly analysing it, were all worth it. Being inspired and invigorated to change my lifestyle and create a better work life balance, needed new notebooks!!  We researched, wrote pages of questions, and had an Excel sheet showing costs, and different outcomes depending on price of the new home in Portugal, a base in the UK, and what we would have left for renovations and making it all happen.

3 Key Elements to consider, before you make your decision.

  1. Visualise your end goal.
  2. Get analytical.
  3. Get clarity on your options.

And… Remember to listen to your gut feeling too!

In my experience of making plans come to life, taking risks, and helping my clients to get clear on what to do next with their businesses, those three elements need your time and attention to help you make changes successfully.

You don’t have to have all the answers today, but an outline of your options and  a list of questions that need answers soon, always helps.

What do you want to achieve next?

I’d love to know! Write in the comments below.  Are you looking at creating new revenue streams, making more of your talents and skills, reviewing your prices?

Do you want to take your sales skills and marketing to the next level, improve your blog writing, double your revenue, make a huge life change? Let me know.

We can get together to talk about your ideas and create a plan that will work for you, and what you want to see happen next.

Have a wonderful day, dream big, and I’m here to help you make it happen. My speciality!

To your success and happiness.