The #1 Question to Help You Prioritise


Are you staring at your to-do list but not sure where to start? I have THE brilliant time management question to give you clarity and answers on what to prioritise first.

“What is the #1 MOST IMPORTANT THING you can focus on doing right now, to help you move towards your goal?”

What’s your #1 MIT?

Being able to get your #MIT completed more regularly, with more ease this year, might mean you need to change WHEN you do things during your day. Are you trying to cram in doing your client work, networking, marketing, sales and blog writing ALL in one day, but not finishing things and getting stressed, or worse, deflated?

If you’re doing the same thing and getting the same results and you’re not happy with the results, switch things up a bit.

By completing your MIT earlier in your day, it will send a good positive feedback loop to your brain, giving you more energy and drive to tackle the next MIT. It really works.

Here are some ways you can switch things up! Try them on for size, see which fits, what suits you best?

For example,

1. Do the Most Important Thing for your business FIRST. Rather than get sucked into responding to emails when you sit down at your desk or drawn into Facebook news that drains your energy by 9.30am, do your #1 MIT first. Try not watching the doom-and-gloom news in the morning completely and notice the difference in your mood and your ability to get more done in the mornings. This change, not watching the news, had a massive effect on what I completed by midday. Try it!

2. Schedule your meetings differently. Leave the house earlier and arrive at your first meeting by 8 / 8.30 and have a coffee instead of a lunch meeting (which eats into your day, excuse the pun!) Giving you more hours to get the next MIT’s done after your meetings finish. OR schedule 3 or 4 meetings all in one day. You’ll be on a roll too as your confidence will grow throughout the day and your performance will sparkle! Try it!

3. When can you have more video calls? This is a great way to catch up with people from your networking groups. It’s like being in the same room, and you’ll SAVE hours of time allowing you more time in your day to get on with your MITs. Instead of a one-hour meeting becoming a 3-4 hour meeting if you include travelling time, hop onto a Skype call, or facetime, WhatsApp video calls.

What else do you need to change around in your day to help you achieve more?

This might seem obvious to switch things up, and it might take time before it becomes a new habit, but like anything worth having, stick with it.


Commit to it. You’ll get your MIT’s done regularly and will be ahead of the game, taking consistent action in growing your business. Imagine how good that will feel.


So today, your Action Point is to identify, “What’s the #1 MIT you can do right now to help you move towards your goals? Do that, before anything else. Switch off all distractions. Focus and get it done. Feel good.


Top Tip: Developing muscles takes a little time, so maintain your new routine for the next four weeks until the end of February and then assess your results. Notice what you notice along the way. Make a few notes.


If you want help identifying your MIT’s for the month ahead or want to explore more ways of how you can switch up your day to achieve more, book a Power Hour with me here and get clear on your next steps.

To your success and happiness, switch up your day! I’d love to hear how this helped you.

Related Post: Power Up Your Productivity