Have you set your targets for Q3? Here’s how…

Q3 Goals

Wow, we’re halfway through the year already.  We’re in the 3rd Quarter already.

So you know what that means…

Yep, it’s target time!

It’s the one thing that you simply MUST have in your business.  You have to know your figures.  They give you a picture of where you are now and where you want to be and gives you clarity on what you need to do next.

Getting clear on your figures is paramount if you’re serious about your business.  But it doesn’t have to be hard!

Remember my #1 Rule for business growth,

“Repeat what works, tweak what’s not or ditch it”

So, grab some paper and a calculator and let’s check…

1.  Add up all your income from Quarter 2, April – June.

Does that total figure look good to you?  Would you like to repeat that in Quarter 3 July to September,  or do you want to earn more?

If you’ve not earned what you were hoping to, may I suggest you have a look at my popular Sales Boosting Online Course to help you even more?  Giving you clarity on WHAT to do to build your pipeline of opportunities, feel more confident and give you THE MOST brilliant closing question, to help you win new business.

So, with that in mind, back to your targets…

Write down the figure you want to achieve in Quarter 3.

Good, well done. You have set your target for Q3. Now, let’s see how you can achieve it…

2.  Looking back over the last three months, what sales and marketing activities have you done that has brought you the most success?  Check your results from your efforts.

– Have you attended more networking events and followed up with more contacts? How many?

– Have you been in touch with your existing clients and found out how you can help them even more? How often?

– What’s your most popular service or product you provide?  What’s your AOV?

Take some time to work out what’s worked really well for you so far and repeat them this quarter to help you achieve your Q3 target.

Notice where you can tweak your activities to improve your results.  

For example, increase the number of networking events you attend each month,  follow up more and notice the difference.

3. Is there something you’ve been doing for the last three or six months that hasn’t brought you anywhere near the results you wanted?   It might be time to ditch it!

If you feel that you’ve really given it your best shot but are getting nowhere fast, then I suggest you stop doing it and find something else to focus your time and efforts on.  Get in touch, have a Power Hour with me,  if you want to talk this through. Giving you clarity on WHAT to focus on to help you get ahead.

Set your targets to make Quarter 3 hot! 

Repeat what works, tweak what’s not or ditch what isn’t working to make room for what’s coming next.  Because there are always surprises around the corner.  Get ready 🙂

To your success and happiness, you can do it.  Let’s go.

Jo James xx

P.S. Here’s the link again for my Sales Boosting online course to Get Sales Savvy.  If you want to find out how you can ‘win more business, more often‘ jump on board and I’ll see you on the inside.

Please contact me if you have any questions about your business. I’m here to help you and your business grow. Email me: jojames@amberlife.com